Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The List - Labels of love: Display Copy

Written by: David Pollock

Based in

Konx-Om-Pax, with more to follow.

Sound designer, director and animator Tom Scholefield, also known as Konx-Om-Pax, who has worked with labels like Warp, DFA, Planet Mu and Numbers.

Sounds like
‘Inspired by Japanese noise and stoner records, people like Merzbow, Sunn O))) and Earth,’ says Scholefield of his debut release ‘Optimo Tracks’, the soundtrack to a digital installation he created for the titular club. ‘Quite noisy, aggressive music to soundtrack elegant, dreamlike digital animations. Lots of live instrumentation – I worked with Glasgow noise band Vars of Litchi on it – processed through a computer.’

What’s the intention for Display Copy?
‘At the moment just to release the backlog of my own audio projects that I’ve been working on over the years, it feels like the right time to do it. It’ll be a limited three-track CD, with each sleeve individually printed at Glasgow School of Art using traditional typography techniques, because I want them to have a real, handmade feel.’

What are your plans for the future?

‘I’ve got around an album’s worth of material almost ready. My friend Neil Clements and I are also collaborating on a piece for the upcoming Nurse With Wound event which Optimo are curating (Tramway, Glasgow, Sat 26 Jun), so the hope is to release the music I create for that. Beyond that I have a few friends, complete unknowns who are incredibly talented but don’t have the drive or motivation to release stuff themselves, who I’d like to help out. The same thing again, small handmade runs available through the website ( and shops like Mono and Volcanic Tongue.’

Konx-Om-Pax launches ‘Optimo Tracks’ at the Art School, Glasgow, Sat 29 May with Oneohtrix Point Never and Tomutonttu; Ivy Bar, Glasgow, Fri 4 Jun with Gescom and Guy Veale.